7825 Prill Road
Eau Claire, WI 54701
(715) 839-8448
This improvement over ‘Dalmatian Purple’ displays greater vigor, better uniformity, and an earlier bloom time. The Dalmatian Foxgloves are some of the fastest to finish and bloom, making them a favorite of growers looking to turn greenhouse space quickly and growers looking to plant and finish a crop for spring sales.
This Fleuroselect Gold Medal winner produces large spikes of outward facing, lilac purple flowers with maroon spotted throats on sturdy, upright stems in early summer.
Digitalis forms large rosettes of downy, green, oblong leaves from which numerous flower spikes emerge. It looks especially nice when planted along fences, at the wood’s edge, or in large containers.
Photo Credit: Walters Gardens, Inc
Foxglove Dalmation Purple #1
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7825 Prill Road
Eau Claire, WI 54701
(715) 839-8448
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