Honeysuckle Dropmore Scarlet 4.5″

Lonicera x Brownii

A vigorous, but not aggressive, twining vine that it is a great choice for arbors, trellises, and chain-link fences. It has fragrant red-orange trumpet flowers that are attractive to hummingbirds and bloom over a long season. This honeysuckle thrives in full sun but will tolerate partial sun and light, afternoon shade. If it becomes overgrown, it can be cut down to ground level and new shoots will generate.

  • Bright scarlet flowers
  • Long blooming in summer
  • Fast growing
  • Sun Tolerant
  • Morning Sun/Afternoon Shade
  • Attracts Hummingbirds
  • Climbing

Height: 6-8′
Spread: 6-10′

Honeysuckle Dropmore Scarlet 4.5″


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