Hosta Big Daddy #1

Common Name: Hosta

Described as one of the best large blue hostas available, ‘Big Daddy’ forms a very large mass of thick, chalky blue leaves.  The rounded leaves become cupped and puckered when mature.  Heavy substance helps to make this hosta more slug resistant.

In late summer, near-white, bell-shaped flowers are produced just at the top of the foliage.

Hostas are exceedingly popular perennials in today’s gardens due to their versatility in the landscape. Their subtle colors, tall flower scapes, and broad, coarse leaves fill a niche in garden designs that few other plants can achieve. Their large leaves provide excellent coverage for dying bulb foliage. Hostas also grow well in city environments where the air may be polluted by car exhaust, etc.

  • Height: 24.0 Inches
  • Spread: 36.0 Inches
  • Scape Height: 24.0 Inches
  • Hardiness Zones: 3,4,5,6,7,8,9
  • Flower Color: White Shades
  • Foliage Color: Blue shades
  • Sunlight: Full Sun (> 6 hrs. Direct Sun) Part Shade (4-6 hrs. Direct Sun)
  • Bloomtime: Late Summer
  • Attracts Wings: Attracts Hummingbirds
  • Growth Rate: Slow

Photo Credit: Walters Gardens, Inc


Hosta Big Daddy #1


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