7825 Prill Road
Eau Claire, WI 54701
(715) 839-8448
Black Eyed Susan’s have a long season of bloom and a sturdy, upright habit. The gold daisy-like flowers have a distinct dark brown central cone and are held on branching stems. Do not deadhead these cones if you want winter interest since the black seed heads remain attractive throughout the winter and the seeds provide a source of food for small birds.
Height: 24-36″
Spread: 18-24″
Rudebeckia Goldstrum (black eyed susan) 4.5″
98 in stock
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Opening Day is
Saturday, April 5th 2025!
7825 Prill Road
Eau Claire, WI 54701
(715) 839-8448
©2025 Chippewa Valley Growers. All Rights Reserved.