Next to pumpkins on the porch, there’s nothing that signals the arrival of autumn like mums. Whether in pots on the front step or in a well-manicured flower bed, mums keep color alive while the rest of the landscape begins to fade. CARING FOR TH ...
3 Easy Tips on Maintaining Your Garden
It’s no surprise to veteran gardeners that once the plants are in the ground, some of the most important work begins. For those new to the hobby of gardening, here are three of the most important tasks needed to maintain a successful garden. ...
7 Steps to Growing Perennials
You may have heard the words “annual” and “perennial” in the gardening world - especially if you have been digging in the dirt for some time. But if you are new to the fun of gardening, you may not be sure what the differences are. In short, ...
Gardening for Beginners in 8 Steps
We adore veteran gardeners. Their wisdom. Their sage (pun intended) advice. But there is just something special about helping a beginning gardener. Their wide-eyed excitement to create their own personal Eden can be infectious! Before we send a newbie ...
A Bit of History on the Victory Garden Initiative
As World War I raged across Europe, a food crisis unfolded. Agricultural workers and their farmlands moved into military service and battlefields. This transformation decreased food supplies in the immediate region and increased the need for the Unit ...
8 Easy Garden Prep Steps for an Epic Growing Season
Seems like this year the desire to dig in the garden and release our green thumbs is stronger than ever. We are fighting the urge to dive right in and get growing so that we can check our prep lists. With a few intentional steps, we can easily set oursel ...
Plants with Personality: Vol 2
Shockingly, the greenhouse is a chatty place and there is no lack of confidence. WE GOT DIRT Dirty Harry.You dirty dog.She’s got dirt on you.Don’t air your dirty laundry.It’s a dirty job, but somebody has to do it.Americans, we love our d ...
4 Things to Do in March for Your Garden
It won’t be long and we will be out of the freezing temperatures and itching to get out in the garden. While we wait for the ground to finish thawing, here are a few things that you could do to get a jump start on the spring gardening season. Pl ...