We don’t think there is a soul out there that doesn’t think that teachers are one of a kind. After this year, even more of us can affirm that it takes a special person to not only teach, but care for our kids so well. Throw this year’s change of events into the mix and teachers have had to pivot on a dime to educate and continue to connect with their students.
Like so many things, this year we are just going to have to celebrate Teachers Appreciation Week from a distance, and we have a few ideas on how to do just that.
The Power of Gift Cards
Don’t ever underestimate the power of gift cards! They are incredibly easy to send virtually or to drop off at a safe distance. This year, snag one from one of your favorite local businesses, spas, nail spot, hardware store, gift shop or greenhouse and you will be supporting a business in your community as well as thanking a beloved teacher (or two)!
Take Time to Chat
If you aren’t already connecting online with your teacher, take the time to try and set up a video chat (or even an old school phone call). Say hello, share your thanks, see what they have been doing, etc.
If you are already online with your teacher, try drawing a picture that shows your thanks and make it your virtual background so they can see it during class.
Grab a Pen
There is nothing as special as a handwritten note. Whether in pen, pencil, or crayon. On a store purchased card or construction paper. Seeing that someone took the time to say thanks in such a personal way will never grow old.
If the student needs a little prompting as to what to write, have them write a simple list of the things they like about their teacher, things their teacher has taught them this year, or maybe even their funniest memory together.
Use the Technology
Record a voice note, a quick video, or an elaborate production to send off to your teacher. Use the technology around you as a tool to send a sincere thank you emphasized with facial expressions and body language.
You can even connect with others in your class and make one of those nifty video montagues! Extra credit, maybe?
Use all the Days
Teacher Appreciation Week is, well, an entire week. Challenge yourself to do something each day of the week. If you are needing a few ideas for each day, here is a great article that has some daily prompts.
From all of us at Chippewa Valley Growers, a big, sincere thank you to all teachers!
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