April 27, 2024-1pm
Hanging Baskets
You’re unique, your baskets should be, too. It’s time to plant a hanging basket that fits your personality and style! Our staff will help you pick out plants that best suit your environment, work well together, and add touches of you. We’ll help you plant the perfect hanging basket, give you care tips, and even keep it (if you can part with it) until the Wisconsin weather decides to cooperate (does that ever happen??).
Hanging Basket Cost:$50 registration fee
Class fee covers:
Plants (up to 5)
Soil (11-12″ planter)
Moisture mat (if needed)
Class instruction
Hold and Care
Additional fees:
Planter (11″ Hanging basket $4.99, 12″ plastic planter $7.99)
Additional plants: retail cost of plant
Custom Pot Planters
Do you have a hard time searching for the PERFECT PLANTER? Or perhaps your vision of what you want is already gone or picked over? Well, now there’s no excuse not to have the perfect summer planters for your home. In this workshop our staff will help make your vision a reality by assisting you in picking out plants that work with your design ideas and will thrive in the spots you want to put them. They will be honest and let you know if your ideas will work and offer suggestions for you to consider. You can plant them up and get your hands dirty, or you can watch as we make your dream come true and you don’t have to ruin your nails. We won’t tell.
Porch Pot Cost:$50 registration fee
Class fee covers:
Plants (up to 5)
Soil (11-12″ planter)
Moisture mat (if needed)
Class instruction
Hold and Care
Additional fees:
Planter (11″ Hanging basket $4.99, 12″ plastic planter $7.99)
Additional plants: retail cost of plant
We’re just excited to dig in some dirt. Balance paid day of class depending on your selections.