To say that February can be frigid is an insult to the definition of “frigid.” While you may not have the luxury of a heated greenhouse, there are still plenty of things you can do now to prep your garden for the growing season. 

Inspect Spring Inventory

When the temperatures climb above freezing, take some time to do a bit of preventative maintenance in your yard and garden. Inspect bulbs, corms, and tubers that you stored for the upcoming season. Make sure they aren’t rotting or drying out. 

Preparing for Pruning

Survey your landscape and identify areas that need pruning in the next few months

Pruning helps shape plants and trees and removing dead or damaged branches focuses nutrients on the healthiest parts of the tree. 

Removing Ice

Keep an eye out for any ice damage. For larger trees, it’s best to let any accumulated ice melt on its own. But for smaller ice-covered trees and plants, (if temperatures allow,) you can stand to the side of the branches and gently tap the ends to help the ice break and fall. Don’t forget to wear a hard hat and goggles! 

Starting Seeds

If you love growing from seeds, now’s the time to start prepping! The ideal time to start seeds is roughly 5 to 7 weeks before the ground is ready to receive the transplants. In the Eau Claire area, the timeframe for starting seeds indoors is typically early to mid-March.

  • Consult the Plant Hardiness Zone to determine which zone you are in. Pay close attention as zones can change – not just from state or region, but even within a town or city. 
  • Next, find a planting calendar for your area that tells you when to start crop-specific seeds indoors, when to get seedlings in the ground, and when seeds can be directly sown in the ground outdoors.
  • Be sure to get your hands on everything you need – seeds, trays, soil, etc.- to get those seeds started inside!

Even Jack Frost can’t keep a gardener from preparing for the spring growing season!

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