It’s one of our favorite times of year! We are officially kicking off our “Who Deserves a Garden?” giveaway!

Do you know someone who deserves an above-average garden? We want to hear their story.

Two (2) winners will receive $500 dollars worth of Chippewa Valley Growers plants and gardening products. Plus, the nominators of the winners will also receive a $200 dollar CVG gift card.

This is not a random drawing. We are going to bless a “giver.” We’re looking for that special someone in your life who:
  • Gives more than they receive
  • Shares their love of gardening with others
  • Doesn’t know a stranger
  • Constantly volunteers their time to help those in need
  • Is the true definition of an unsung hero

This inspiring person may be a neighbor, friend, relative, co-worker, church member, a cashier at your favorite store, or someone you admire from afar. 

To nominate someone for our “Who Deserves a Garden?” giveaway, simply fill out the form below!

That’s it! Easy peasy. No purchase necessary.

The deadline for submissions is Saturday, April 6, 2024 and the winners will be announced the following week.

Everyone deserves a garden!
Who Deserves A Garden Contest?
Anything else you want to share with us? Photos? A PDF? A short video from your phone?

Maximum file size: 134.22MB

ANOTHER BIGGIE: Does your nominee know your entering them into this contest? We want to help you keep it a secret if that's what you want! *

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