
Geranium Calliope Dark Red 14″ Western Pulp HB

Vigorous growing with a mounding to semi-trailing habit. Best used in baskets, and large containers. Excellent heat tolerance in the landscape and does well in both full sun and partial shade.

Scientific Name: Pelargonium x hortorum

Common Name: Geranium, Zonal

Blooming Season: Spring, Late Spring, Summer, Autumn

Plant Habit: Mounded

Characteristics: Heat Tolerant

Water: Medium

Fertilize: Every two weeks

Spacing: 10 – 12″ (25 – 30cm)

Height: 10 – 12″ (25 – 30cm)

Width: 12 – 14″ (30 – 36cm)

Exposure: Sun

General Information: Unmatched true dark red flower color in a zonal geranium. Excellent in baskets large pots and beds. Large blooms in full sun or partial shade.

Geranium Calliope Dark Red 14″ Western Pulp HB


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