
Monarda (Bee Balm) Grand Mum 4.5″

Monarda (Bee Balm) Grand Mum 4.5″

Although many Monardas are grown for their stature, these new shorter versions widen the selection of this garden standard. Monarda are very attractive to Bees, Butterflies and Hummingbirds. With both fragrant foliage and colorful flowers, Bee Balm is ideal for making potpourri or herbal wreaths. Strong grower in the North, can be overpowering in Southern gardens so allow plenty of space. Erect stems support uniquely shaped flowers. All of our varieties have good to excellent mildew resistance. When crushed the foliage will release a spicy fragrance and the leaves can be used to make delightful teas.

Type: Perennial

Height: Short 15-18″

Spacing: Plant 20″ apart

Bloom Time: Early Summer to Late Summer

Sun-Shade: Full Sun to Half Sun / Half Shade

Zones: 3-9

Monarda (Bee Balm) Grand Mum 4.5″


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