Salix Iceberg Alley #2 True

Plant description

Iceberg Alley™, a native plant discovered by the Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador Botanical Garden. Powdery, silver foliage of this small shrub is a great addition to the landscape, adding texture and contrast when combined with other shrubs. Forming a rounded shrub and does not overtake the landscape, reaching a height and spread of about 5′ (a bit shorter in very cold areas and a bit taller in warmer zones). It blooms in spring with silver catkins, red stamens and nectar for pollinators. Tolerant of moist soils and a good choice for rain gardens. Grows best in full sun and tolerates pruning beautifully. Consider cutting the stems in early spring for the decorative catkins.

Height: 3-6′
Spread: 3-6′
Shape: Upright, rounded
Exposure: Full Sun
Foliage: Silver
Fall Foliage: Insignificant
Zone: 2-6

Salix Iceberg Alley #2 True


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