
Veronica Wizard of Ahhs #1PW

Common Name: Spike Speedwell

This plant brings the “oohs” and “ahhs” with its early blooming performance, outstanding flower color, and impeccable habit. One of the earliest Veronica to bloom, this plant produces thick spikes of violet blue flowers that cover the top half of a low, wide habit. ‘Wizard of Ahhs’ requires vernalization to bloom.

This is an improvement over ‘Hocus Pocus’ in the Proven Winners® perennial lineup.

Veronica is highly valued for its ease of growth and long bloom time. The spiky flowers are an excellent contrast to the more common rounded flower shapes like Shasta Daisies, Coneflower, and Black Eyed Susans. Expect bees to be buzzing about this plant when in bloom.

Height: 14.0-16.0 Inches
Spread: 18.0-22.0 Inches
Hardiness Zones: 4,5,6,7,8

Veronica Wizard of Ahhs #1


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