Not only are butterflies pretty to look at, but they also play a vital role in maintaining healthy local ecosystems. Insects that feed on nectar help to pollinate plants and sustain native flora and fauna populations. Creating a butterfly garden is a gre ...
Spruce Up Your Virtual Background with Plants
Like it or not, online video chats have become a way of life. Even though we’ve seen our share of epic failures and memorable video bombers, we’re getting accustomed to work meetings, game nights, and family gatherings around the computer screen. But if ...
7 Easy Houseplants to Keep Your Green Thumb in Shape
Even though our outdoor gardening season has come to a close it doesn’t mean that our green thumbs are dormant. Houseplants not only bring the green indoors through the cooler season but they also keep our gardening skills sharp for next year. Take a loo ...
Our Customers are Awesome at Keeping in Touch
We’re passionate about the plants we grow here at Chippewa Valley Growers. We raise them from seedlings and tend to them fiercely as they flourish and bloom. So when we go off to live in their forever home with one of our amazing customers, we’re a smidg ...
3 Impactful Fathers of the Plant World
Everything has a father of sorts and the world of plants is no different. Whether the focus of plants is through botany, landscaping, or agriculture, there have been great leaders that nurtured different studies of plants to life. George Washing ...
Plants with Personality: Vol 3
SNOWDANCE JAPANESE TREE LILAC I am possibly the most complete “package” you can showcase in your landscaping. At my mature state, I provide a great dose of shade at nearly 18 feet high and 20 feet wide. My dark foliage and wide, shelved branches m ...
A Quick Word or Two Hundred About the Frost Advisories This Week…
Hi folks. John Kelly here. Just wanted to give you a heads up that we are expecting some frost/freeze issues in the next few days. Here's all you need to do... well, also please keep smiling and keep living the dream!
Plants with Personality: Vol 2
Shockingly, the greenhouse is a chatty place and there is no lack of confidence. WE GOT DIRT Dirty Harry.You dirty dog.She’s got dirt on you.Don’t air your dirty laundry.It’s a dirty job, but somebody has to do it.Americans, we love our d ...