Sugar Sprint Peas
“Hey, Sweet Pea!” People have been saying that a lot lately. Probably because I have the best flavor of all the other sugar snaps. I was already known for being practically stringless and extra long, so it’s possible I might be perfect!
I’m incredibly tender, making me a delicious snack straight off the vine. People love to cook me, too. Yours truly is a very popular ingredient in a variety of dishes including stir-fry and curry. I can also be frozen in case you want to use me when I’m not in season.
Jalafuego Jalapeno Pepper
It’s okay, you can say it, I know… I’m pretty hot. That’s typically the first thing people notice about me. That’s the life of a pepper! What makes me extra-special, though, is that I provide a double-punch of power. My variety is twice as large and twice as hot!
I’m great for grilling, superb in stuffing, and I add sass to salads and salsas. If you’re a jalapeno aficionado, my thick and juicy spice will add some punch to your lunch.
Slicer Cucumber
Shiny, smooth, and seedless. That’s what you can expect from a superb cuke like me. My flavor is refreshing and slightly sweet, and my texture is incredibly crisp and easy to slice. This makes me the perfect quick and easy snack.
Add me to a salad or pickle me for extra crunch. With thin skin and a mild taste, I make an excellent addition to a variety of recipes without being too overwhelming. Just call me a lean, green, deliciously fruity machine.
Kale Storm
Confession time: I’m not actually all green. I do have some hints of blue and purple. To some, that might make me a misfit. But I think it makes me unique. And, really, what do you expect from a batch of mixed varieties?
Not only do I bring robust colors and textures to the table, but I’m also packed with nutrients and tons of flavor. (There’s a reason they call me a superfood.) I also have a longer shelf-life than most lettuces, which means I’ll still be around when you’re ready to add me to a delicious salad, sandwich, soups, or smoothie.
Seychelle String Bean
I don’t mean toot my own horn, but I was named an All-America Selections Winner in 2017 in the Edible-Vegetable division. I shouldn’t have to say more, but perhaps it will interest you to know that my straight, uniform, and seedless pods can grow up to six inches in length. Oh, and I’ve been told I’m delicious.
My strong, distinct, and rich flavor is so much more enjoyable than other beans on the market today. I’m light & crispy when raw and meaty & mild when cooked. And my everlasting deep green color makes me a stunning addition to your vegetable tray, casserole, or side dish.