While most people think of gardening as tending to vegetables, flowers, and herbs in plots around the yard, trees can be another beautiful addition, functioning as a natural source of shade, oxygen, and colorful foliage. As with any type of gardening, pl ...
How to Attract Fireflies to Your Yard
Much like our little bee friends, the fireflies’ (or lightning bugs - tomato, tomato) population has been on the decline. Between habitat loss, light pollution, and increase use of pesticides these little bugs are slowly diminishing. Firefly Wat ...
4 Steps for a Backyard Orchard
Trees are an exceptional addition to your yard, regardless if you’re sitting on an acre or a postage stamp. They are the best places for climbing children, nesting birds, and napping under their canopy. If you can snag a fruit-bearing kind of tree, you c ...
4 Ways to Celebrate Arbor Day
There are several ways in which to measure the quality of a tree. You could go with the standards such as bark strength, longevity, root penetration, or its ability to withstand various climates and rodents. Or you could measure the quality ...
The Interesting History Behind Arbor Day
For so many of us as children, we used to measure the quality of a tree by the strength and spacing of the branches because it helped calculate the speed at which you could race up its trunk. Or maybe you measured by the distance of the shade canopy that ...