There are several ways in which to measure the quality of a tree. You could go with the standards such as bark strength, longevity, root penetration, or its ability to withstand various climates and rodents. 

Or you could measure the quality based on a few life lessons. 

  • What is the quality of strength and spacing for the branches so that exceptional speed can occur while racing up the trunk?
  • How large of a shade canopy can it cast in order to host an exceptional fairy tea party?
  • Will the girth of the trunk be sturdy enough for the proper placement of the Sunday afternoon nap hammock?

How Arbor Day Started

Like us, J. Sterling Morton was also a fan of nature and specifically trees. In 1872, this newspaper editor proposed a resolution to the State Board of Agriculture in Nebraska “to set aside one day to plant trees, both forest, and fruit.” 

On the first Arbor Day celebration, participants were awarded a prize for planting a tree. This simple ask resulted in over one million trees planted on that inaugural observation day.

In short order, just a few decades after the initial Arbor Day, more than 45 states joined the efforts. This resulted in increased planting of trees and the education of the communities about the features and benefits of trees.

Arbor Day Versions Around the World

Today, the celebration of trees has expanded across the globe in various ways. 

This years’ celebration efforts may look a little less eventful or a little more distant, but it certainly shouldn’t stop us from finding some way to celebrate such as…

Ways to Celebrate at a Distance

We hope that this year you have a chance to find some way to celebrate like never before – or maybe just having the time to actually celebrate!


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