After a busy season at Chippewa Valley Growers, one would hope that John and Jessi Kelly got a long winter’s nap…or at least a week long. But, alas, no rest for the weary…or parent…or a business owner.
While Chippewa Valley Growers has been closed to the public, it hasn’t been dormant. There have been plenty of jobs to do – prepping, grower searching, administrative, and next season planning work going on alongside “life” as well.
During this winter, between Ben’s football and basketball and Addison’s volleyball, the Kelly’s have found themselves in the season that many of us can relate to – kid chasing.
But knowing that “all work and no play makes Jack (or John) a dull boy,” the Kelly’s have made an effort to set aside a special weekend every winter for a bit of rest and a whole lot of fun.
For the past five years, between Christmas and the New Year, the Kelly family makes their way up to their cabin on Lake Holcombe. It is here, where the flowage of rivers comes together, that they invite friends for an epic day of winter fun.
The day revolves around being anywhere but indoors. You will usually find dozens of kids on the ice, with a combination of inner tubes and a little old 1979 Yamaha snowmobile. The lucky ones are found holding on for dear life while being whipped across the frozen lake. This magic combination delivers the best screams, belly laughs, and naturally, memories.

As the sun sets and darkness settles in, the big show is about to begin. With more fireworks than one can imagine in January, the oohs and ahhs are reminiscent of July. With less of everything in the winter, especially foliage, John explains that winter fireworks are a whole different experience, ”During the wintertime, it really just echoes.” And the reflection on the ice adds another magical layer to the winter wonderland experience that day.

By the end of the day, the crew is delightfully wiped out from the experiences that can only be found up north with a pile of kids, an old snowmobile, and the Kelly family.
While it isn’t the beach down south, John and Jessi are perfectly happy with a weekend at the cabin with friends and fireworks. They can return to the Chippewa Valley Growers’ 70 degree greenhouse for their winter escape.
If you want to hear more of what the Kelly’s have been up to or to learn more about what is happening at our Emerald City, please sign up to join our newsletter.