Shockingly, the greenhouse is a chatty place and there is no lack of confidence. WE GOT DIRT Dirty Harry.You dirty dog.She’s got dirt on you.Don’t air your dirty laundry.It’s a dirty job, but somebody has to do it.Americans, we love our d ...
3 Container Planting Tips
Adding containers full of beautiful plants, flowers, and even vegetables around your home is a wonderful way to increase your landscape space. Find your Vessel To start, you can simply identify a container. Believe us, a container can quite literal ...
5 Benefits of Bees
With the recent enlightenment that bee populations have been on the decline, backyard beekeeping initiatives are on the rise. In addition to the easy access to honey and beeswax, gardeners reap the benefits of an enhanced growing experience. Poll ...
Nine Effective Plants to Repel Bugs
Along with beautiful foliage, summer can also bring along less than desirable bugs and small animals. If enjoying your garden but not swatting away pests sounds good to you, check out the list below for some great plants to incorporate into your summer l ...
The Evolution of Urban Farming
Although we are in an area of the nation noted for farmland, not all of us can claim access to large quantities of high producing acreage. Gratefully, raw land does not have to limit our will to farm. Urban Farming Then Long before it carried b ...
Biologicals: Our Alternative to Pesticides
It’s astonishing how fast we’ve evolved as a society. Science and technology move at a mind-boggling pace, yet somehow we often forget how helpful nature can be. See how Chippewa Valley Growers is putting nature to work around the greenhouse! Amazing ...
Why Dirt is Good for You
We have all seen it before. Kids completely covered in dirt and mud with a grin from ear to ear. Gardeners tending to their plants with the look of contentment across their face. It is no secret that digging in the dirt brings happiness but exactly how i ...
Four Must-Do Tips for Growing Success
The Packers do it. The Brewers do it. Everyone needs strong pre-season training to prep for the upcoming season. Gardening is no different. Well, maybe…but only a little. Be Creative Any great plan starts with a bit of creative brainstorming. Th ...