With summer quickly approaching, now is the time to get outdoors and explore all that the area of Eau Claire has to offer. The city has countless activities for locals and tourists alike to enjoy, whether you are going alone, with friends, or taking alon ...
It’s a Family Affair: Meet the Kelly Kids
All of the Kellys are all in on making CVG a success. (Sometimes teenagers just need some privacy. Grateful they still show up.) Intentionally, CVG is a family affair. Whether at the greenhouse or at home, the work that it takes to run the business af ...
While We Were Out…
After a busy season at Chippewa Valley Growers, one would hope that John and Jessi Kelly got a long winter’s nap...or at least a week long. But, alas, no rest for the weary...or parent...or a business owner. While Chippewa Valley Growers has ...
Top 5 Garden & Nature Books for Adults
Why should the kids be the only ones challenged to a summer reading list? Sometimes, summer is the only time that adults have the capacity to squeeze in a whole book during a vacation or weekends at the lake. Here are a few that cover some of our fav ...
Our Favorite Father’s Day Memories
Father’s Day is just around the corner and it has us reminiscing about some of our favorite memories. Whether you call him Dad, Father, Grandpa, Uncle or some other term of endearment, most of us are incredibly lucky to have one guy that ...
Our Pricing Philosophy [VIDEO]
John Kelly here again with another short video for Chippewa Valley Growers. I wanted to share my pricing philosophy in a nutshell. I am very passionate about getting this message out to people so everyone understands how and why we price our items the wa ...
Our Mother’s Day Radio Ad [AUDIO]
Our radio commercials are truly a family affair. The whole Kelly family (even, on occasion, the dog) are in our ads. We record them at home, and this one for Mother's Day might just be our favorite! Be sure to listen for Jessi's ad-lib at the end! ...
Early Morning Behind The Scenes at Chippewa Valley Growers [VIDEO]
To keep this field of emerald green growing healthy and happy, and to make sure the colors burst when you walk through our doors, we have to do a little bit more than show up at 8:55 AM and unlock the doors. We thought you might get a kick out of an earl ...
Why is Customer Service so Important to us?
We grow some amazing plants here. They are gorgeous, “Jack and the Beanstalk” strong, healthy and full of vibrant colors. We can’t wait to share them with our customers! Secretly, though, what we are more excited to share with our community is som ...