If you want the best garden, you need the best plants. At CVG, our plants are showered with non-stop TLC until you take them home. Here’s what makes our plants - and our greenhouse - stand out from the rest. At Chippewa Valley Growers, we pride ou ...
Ten Plant Pairings to Have in Your Vegetable Garden
Did you know that the plants in your garden can work as a team? Due to their varying properties, certain plant pairings can benefit each other’s growth and health. Here are a few dynamic duos that you can grow in your garden. It’s thrilling to wat ...
Six Iconic Tall/Small Animated Pairings
When it comes to TV cartoon duos, you’re probably familiar with the “big/little” trope. We’ve rounded up six of the most iconic animated pairings inspired by our very own tall/small duo, John and Jessi Kelly. While walking around our greenhouse, y ...
The Chemistry of Good Soil
Soil is more than just the dirt for your plants. It’s the foundation for their growth and overall health. Do you know what makes up the chemistry of good soil? To create the most ideal growing conditions for your garden, you need good soil. It is, ...
The Art of Homestead Gardening
Homesteading is a practice that means different things to different people. But, generally, it involves being as self-sufficient as possible. It’s a lifestyle that involves catering to your own essential needs. This may include growing your own food, pro ...
Thinking Inside the Box: Square Foot Gardening
"I found a better way to garden, one that's more efficient, more manageable, and requires less work.” Those are the words of gardener Mel Bartholomew, the man who developed the concept of Square Foot Gardening in 1981. His guide on the subject e ...
Plants with Personality Vol. 4
Blue Spruce Stonecrop Sedum Nevermind ocean eyes, I’ve got ocean pines. I kinda look like a pile of spruce tree branches dipped in the blue-green color of the sea. Ironically, though, I actually don’t need a whole lot of water. I do, however, need ...
Four, Easy Themed Gardens
Growing your own garden is a chance for you to have a simultaneously beautiful and functional space that you can curate to your liking. While you may choose to include certain plants just because you like them, following a theme for your garden can give ...