To say that February can be frigid is an insult to the definition of “frigid.” While you may not have the luxury of a heated greenhouse, there are still plenty of things you can do now to prep your garden for the growing season. Inspect Spri ...
7 Easy Houseplants to Keep Your Green Thumb in Shape
Even though our outdoor gardening season has come to a close it doesn’t mean that our green thumbs are dormant. Houseplants not only bring the green indoors through the cooler season but they also keep our gardening skills sharp for next year. Take a loo ...
Wait! There’s Still Garden Work to Do!
Every growing season seems shorter and shorter, doesn’t it? Okay, maybe not this year, but we know 2020 is an exception to all rules. No matter how long or short the season felt, it’s still winding down. But just because the growing part is done ...
Our Customers are Awesome at Keeping in Touch
We’re passionate about the plants we grow here at Chippewa Valley Growers. We raise them from seedlings and tend to them fiercely as they flourish and bloom. So when we go off to live in their forever home with one of our amazing customers, we’re a smidg ...
Quick Tips on How to Care for Mums
Next to pumpkins on the porch, there’s nothing that signals the arrival of autumn like mums. Whether in pots on the front step or in a well-manicured flower bed, mums keep color alive while the rest of the landscape begins to fade. CARING FOR TH ...
How to Attract Fireflies to Your Yard
Much like our little bee friends, the fireflies’ (or lightning bugs - tomato, tomato) population has been on the decline. Between habitat loss, light pollution, and increase use of pesticides these little bugs are slowly diminishing. Firefly Wat ...
3 Easy Tips on Maintaining Your Garden
It’s no surprise to veteran gardeners that once the plants are in the ground, some of the most important work begins. For those new to the hobby of gardening, here are three of the most important tasks needed to maintain a successful garden. ...
5 Must See Virtual Tours of Gardens in Bloom
Sometimes you just need a little garden inspiration in a big way. Often we just hop in the car and make a trip to a local botanical garden or even make a stop on vacation to a highly acclaimed one we’ve been dying to see. This year, even when we ...