Our plants are amazing, but you would expect us to say that. Instead, take a listen to what they have to say about themselves. 🌸 P E T U N I A 🌸 ColorBlitz Blue Stardust Petunia Color Photo: Arroyo Grande Although I don’t mind a little ...
3 Container Planting Tips
Adding containers full of beautiful plants, flowers, and even vegetables around your home is a wonderful way to increase your landscape space. Find your Vessel To start, you can simply identify a container. Believe us, a container can quite literal ...
Plants That Attract Wildlife
One of the greatest benefits of gardening is producing a food source for wildlife. It almost sounds counter-intuitive since most of the season we’re trying to keep everything out of the garden. But planting to welcome wildlife creates a natural buffet fo ...
Confession: We Have Favorite Plants
We start from the very beginning with our plants – actually before they are even seeds. We ensure that the soil is the best environment to create our plants. Then, we sow the seeds, water, fertilize, read stories, rub backs, get bath water just right ...
Side-by-Side Comparison Video of Our Plants with a Big Box Store
John Kelly here again from Chippewa Valley Growers... as you know, we like to say we feed 'em until we sell 'em here at our nursery... so I thought you might find it interesting to see a side-by-side comparison between a couple of our plants and a couple ...