Every good hobby has the potential to become an obsession. Gardening is no exception. So how can you tell if gardening has gone from “passion” to “compulsion?” Here are some signs… 

You Know You’re Obsessed with Gardening if…

…You see an empty egg carton or a plastic container lid and think, “I can use that in the garden.”

…Your schedule is based on the planting season. 

…All of your gardening tools are personalized. 

…Your idea of a tropical getaway is visiting the local greenhouse.  

…You collect anything that could be used as a pot.

…A compliment on your garden is on par with complimenting your parenting skills.

…You’re slightly offended when someone refers to soil as dirt. 

…You bring back plants as vacation souvenirs for friends.

…You’ve invested more in your gardening wardrobe than your work clothes. 

…Gardening magazines and seed catalogs are read cover-to-cover and multiple times.

…When giving someone a tour of your home, you start by showing them the compost pile.

…At any given moment, you can produce a shovel, sheets of plastic, and gloves from your trunk.

…Your travel bucket list consists of every major botanical garden. 

…After a winter storm, you clear your plants of snow before the driveway.

…When going out of town, you pay someone to stay in your home and plant-sit. 

…Your all-time favorite book is the Farmers’ Almanac.

…You hide gardening purchases from your significant other the same way you hid Danielle Steele novels from your parents.

…Hosta is your go-to word in Scrabble. 

…Beer has two primary purposes in your house and the first is for slug traps.

So? Are you officially obsessed with gardening? Welcome to the club! Stop by the greenhouse and tell us any other signs that we missed. 

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