When you need a bit of peace in your day, the sights, sounds, and energy of nature can help you feel calm and more grounded. And when you design your own outdoor retreat space at home, you have a designated spot for mindfulness and relaxation whenever yo ...
Crafting Nature’s Sculptures: The Art and History of Topiaries
While trees and shrubs are beautiful on their own, topiaries take garden landscaping to the next level. The practice of “ornamental gardening” has been around for thousands of years, transforming foliage-heavy plants into almost any figure and creature y ...
Five Iconic Plants From the Big Screen
From cursed flowers to man-eating alien houseplants, leafy organisms play leading roles in a variety of popular films. Here are a few of our favorites. Plants are living organisms. But, in movies, some plants are a bit more alive than others.  ...
What is an Autumnal Equinox?
If you’re counting down the days - and minutes - until fall! This year’s Autumnal Equinox occurs on Sunday, September 22, 2024, 7:43 AM, officially marking the new season. What is an Equinox? The word “equinox” is derived from the Latin aequus ...
Six Iconic Tall/Small Animated Pairings
When it comes to TV cartoon duos, you’re probably familiar with the “big/little” trope. We’ve rounded up six of the most iconic animated pairings inspired by our very own tall/small duo, John and Jessi Kelly. While walking around our greenhouse, y ...
Six Iconic “Big, Tall Guy” Celebrities
If you ever see our owner, John (who is hard to miss), around the greenhouse, you might hear him refer to himself as the “Big, Tall, Dumb Guy.” Thankfully, his size often provides him with an advantage in managing many different physical tasks as needed. ...
Five Unique Ways to Chart Children’s Growth
If you have children in your life, you’ve probably noticed that they get bigger seemingly right before your eyes. You may have even made the remark, “You’re growing like a weed!” While these children continue to sprout up so quickly, it can be a fun a ...
Lessons for Kids From the Garden
The love of nature and gardening often starts at an early age. Many of us have fond memories of digging in the dirt with grandparents or eating snap peas fresh off the vine. These days playing around in the garden create memories - and teach lessons - th ...
Who Deserves A Garden? Nominate a “Giver” For Our 2021 Garden Giveaway!
Last year, we held our first ever “Who Deserves a Garden Giveaway.” We had no idea what to expect… so we were blown away when we received nearly 200 entries! This year, we’re doing it again! Do you know someone who deserves an above-average g ...
How to Start Garden Journaling
If you’re like many avid gardeners - or even those just beginning - you’ve probably been thumbing through gardening magazines, sketching out plans, and making a shopping list. If so, you’ve already laid the groundwork for a great growing season and an in ...