If you have children in your life, you’ve probably noticed that they get bigger seemingly right before your eyes. You may have even made the remark, “You’re growing like a weed!”

While these children continue to sprout up so quickly, it can be a fun and nostalgic activity to track their size along the way. Here are some unique options for growth charts you can use in your home that are portable and don’t involve marking up your walls!

Ribbon on a Ring

If you are interested in tracking more than just height, this method allows you to measure arm span, foot length, head circumference, or anything else you want to track! Simply find some fun patterned ribbon, cut each strip to size, and secure to a closable ring.

Shoe Shadow Box

Having a tough time getting rid of those cute little baby shoes? With this method, you choose your favorite pair from each stage, line them up in a shadow box frame, attach with strong adhesive strips, label, and hang up on your wall as a sentimental piece of art.

Giant Ruler

Similar in appearance to the traditional door frame marking option, this method provides you with a statement piece that can move wherever you want. Using a large wooden board, paint measurement lines along the side, secure in your desired spot, and keep marking height over the years!

Pins and Fabric

This method can be adapted to be as simple or detailed as you want to make it. After hanging up your choice of fabric, make your markings using pins and label tags and write down the name, age, height, and whatever other information you want to include.

Stepping Stones

An incredibly cute addition to your yard or garden, this method shows you how much feet and hands grow over the years. After mixing some cement, gently press your little one’s prints into the mold, stamp in the name, and add a new piece to the path each year.

We love watching our kids grow, just like our plants! Sometimes we even think they’re competing to see who can go faster…or closest to John!

But while we wouldn’t suggest trying to have children take root in your garden, we can provide recommendations for things that would be sure to thrive there under the proper conditions. Come check out our greenhouse to see what other natural beauties you can take care of and see grow over time!

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