The journey of cultivating a seed into a thriving, mature plant within a greenhouse is a carefully orchestrated process blending science, technology, and horticultural expertise. Our controlled environment allows us to maximize growth and yields – and produce the happiest, healthiest plants around!

As you stroll through your garden and admire the beauty of your plants, do you ever consider the remarkable journey each one undertakes? The life cycle of a plant is a captivating tale of growth, adaptation, and the wonders of nature (not to mention the hard work of our awesome growers.)

1. Seed Selection

The journey begins with a seed – a minuscule marvel of nature’s engineering. Seeds contain a plant’s genetic blueprint, so starting with high-quality varieties is important. Seeds with good genetic traits, disease resistance, and strong germination rates are chosen to ensure a successful harvest. Regarding fruits and veggies, we don’t use genetically modified seeds. We proudly offer a selection of heirloom and hybrid plants that allow you to choose the best fit.

2. Germination and Propagation

The first step in the growing process is germinating the seeds in specialized trays filled with a sterile growing medium. Next, they go into a germination chamber providing ideal temperatures, humidity, and light that encourage the seeds to anchor the roots downwards into the soil and stems to reach the sun.  Depending on their type and placement, the seeds typically stay in the chamber between 24 hours to a week.  

3. Transplanting

Once the seeds have unfurled their first leaves and developed into small seedlings, they are carefully transplanted into larger containers or pots to provide more space for their roots to spread and grow. The young plant is particularly vulnerable and needs gentle care at this stage. This is where overwatering can become dangerous, so we’re so particular about the hand holding the watering wand.

4. Continued Growth

With the foundation set, the plant enters a rapid growth phase. Leaves continue to sprout, stems elongate, and the plant’s stature takes shape. During this phase, greenhouses offer precise control over environmental factors such as heat, humidity, light levels, and even CO2 concentrations. Temperatures are dropped at peak growing times of the day to develop a stronger stem and root system.

5. Nutrient Management:

During the vegetative growth stage, the plant uses a lot of energy to build itself up, which makes it an important time for feeding and nurturing. A crucial aspect of greenhouse cultivation is ensuring that plants receive the right nutrients at the right time. To accomplish this, we hand-water with a hose equipped with an injector to set the optimum fertilization rate.

6. Pest and Disease Management

Strict pest and disease management strategies, combining biological control and minimal chemical intervention, help prevent outbreaks that can harm plants. If chemical intervention is deemed necessary, edible plants are treated only with biologically safe chemicals, and all efforts are made to treat ornamental plants with biologically friendly materials to avoid impacting the beneficial insect population.

7. Pruning and Training

Depending on the type of plant, pruning and training techniques may be employed to shape the plants for optimal growth and yield. This can be done by removing excess leaves, pinching off buds, cutting back to encourage branching or guiding growth along trellises.

8. Pollination:

As plants mature, they produce seeds and pollen. Early in the growing season, natural pollinators such as bees and hummingbirds visit the greenhouse to help pollinate. We also utilize horizontal airflow and ventilation fans to ensure proper air circulation.

9. Harvesting:

From mature plants emerge flowers and fruits, which is nature’s way of protecting and dispersing seeds. It’s the part we, and often wildlife, enjoy the most. Once certain plants reach maturity, it’s time for harvest. Proper timing is critical to ensure that harvested crops are at their peak in terms of bloom, flavor, texture, and nutritional value.

10. Continuous Monitoring:

Throughout the entire process, the plants are closely monitored. Data on growth rates, nutrient levels, and environmental conditions are collected and analyzed to make necessary adjustments and ensure optimal growth.

The plant life cycle is a wondrous journey of transformation. We become a significant part of their epic journey by nurturing them from tiny, unassuming seeds into happy, healthy plants.

For more about growing and maintaining happy, healthy plants, check out The CVG Difference, The Importance of Plant Maintenance, and Perseverance: The Things We Learn from Plants.

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