For so many of us, what gets us through the long days of winter is the longing for spring. The chance to get outside, be in the fresh air, and get our hands in the dirt. 

We at CVG are totally in that tribe, and this year more than ever we want to gift an ultimate sanctuary experience to someone who deserves something above the average garden. To do so we need your help. 

One (1) winner will receive $500 dollars in Chippewa Valley Growers plants and gardening products along with a $200 dollar CVG gift card to the person who nominates our winner.

Who do you someone know that:

  • Is the definition of gives more than receives?
  • Shares a love of gardening with those around them?
  • Teaches others how to garden and the life lessons that come along with it?
  • Never walks away from an opportunity to spend time with a stranger?
  • Constantly gives of themselves?
  • Is an unsung hero?

This inspiring person may be your neighbor, teacher, friend, relative, a friend of a friend, co-worker, church member, cashier at your favorite store, or someone you share brief moments of life with.

If you have an inspiring someone in mind, we want to hear about them!

Here’s all you need to do: 

  1. Visit the contest page on our website.
  2. Nominate your person for our garden giveaway through the simple form on our homepage.

That’s it. Easy peasy. No purchase necessary.

The deadline for submissions is Friday, April 24 and the winner will be announced at our VIP Open House on April 25. Nominate your special someone today!

Everyone deserves a garden, and one special someone is going to get the chance to create a beautiful garden on us!


To hear more about incredible garden experiences or to hear what is happening at our Emerald City, please sign up to join our newsletter.