Back in 1995, Bob Nelson (founding member of Recognition Professionals International) acknowledged that businesses live or die based on their employees - their customer service, ability to do execute their responsibilities well and their loyalty. Knowing ...
Top 5 Garden & Nature Books for Adults
Why should the kids be the only ones challenged to a summer reading list? Sometimes, summer is the only time that adults have the capacity to squeeze in a whole book during a vacation or weekends at the lake. Here are a few that cover some of our fav ...
Our Summer Reading List for Kids
Ah, the beautiful summer reading list. The list that is carefully curated to ensure that the brain still stays active and loses nothing over a couple of months of summer bliss. Between the love of reading, gardening, and nature, here are some fun boo ...
Confession: We Have Favorite Plants
We start from the very beginning with our plants – actually before they are even seeds. We ensure that the soil is the best environment to create our plants. Then, we sow the seeds, water, fertilize, read stories, rub backs, get bath water just right ...
History of the Remembrance Poppy
During WWI, Lieutenant John McCrae served as a surgeon tending to the wounded during the conflict that claimed the lives of approximately 8.5 millions soldiers. During this dark time, McCrae couldn’t help but notice that the vibrant red poppy began to sp ...
Favorite Memorial Day Memories
Memorial Day is often filled with parades, celebrations honoring those who have paid the ultimate price serving the nation, family and friends cooking-out, and kids testing the chill factor of the lake. Weathering the Weather / John Kelly, Boss In ...
11 of the Best Gardening Blogs and Apps
Information for gardening is all around us in dozens of different formats. Check out our collection of favorite blogs and apps: 6 Great Gardening Blogs We have a blog. You probably have a blog. Everyone has a blog – but here are some of the best g ...
20 Gardening Puns & Jokes
There are few things that we are more passionate about than family and our greenhouse here at Chippewa Valley Growers. But bring us a good gardening pun or joke and we are like the best crop of summer and all ears (like corn, get it?!?!) We love some ...
4 Surprising Gardening Myths & Legends
Call them gardening myths, legends, old wives tales, or wise sage from grandpa. Whatever you call them, they have become part of the growing culture whether they're valid or not. Here are a few that have pretty strong fan followings and some insight ...
The Interesting History Behind Arbor Day
For so many of us as children, we used to measure the quality of a tree by the strength and spacing of the branches because it helped calculate the speed at which you could race up its trunk. Or maybe you measured by the distance of the shade canopy that ...