Even though our outdoor gardening season has come to a close it doesn’t mean that our green thumbs are dormant. Houseplants not only bring the green indoors through the cooler season but they also keep our gardening skills sharp for next year. Take a loo ...
Let’s Bring Back the Beloved May Basket Day!
This past year has brought back many of life’s simpler traditions: devouring books, slaying puzzles, daily walks, and baking bread. (Who else was on the hunt for yeast this time last year?) It was also the perfect time to revive the practice of secretly ...
It’s a Family Affair: Meet the Kelly Kids
All of the Kellys are all in on making CVG a success. (Sometimes teenagers just need some privacy. Grateful they still show up.) Intentionally, CVG is a family affair. Whether at the greenhouse or at home, the work that it takes to run the business af ...
While We Were Out…
After a busy season at Chippewa Valley Growers, one would hope that John and Jessi Kelly got a long winter’s nap...or at least a week long. But, alas, no rest for the weary...or parent...or a business owner. While Chippewa Valley Growers has ...
Our Favorite Father’s Day Memories
Father’s Day is just around the corner and it has us reminiscing about some of our favorite memories. Whether you call him Dad, Father, Grandpa, Uncle or some other term of endearment, most of us are incredibly lucky to have one guy that ...
Top 5 Outdoor Summer Activities for Families in Eau Claire, WI
From now until at least Labor Day, our goal is to rarely walk across the threshold of our front door. We aren’t fleeing the country or going into hiding, but after hibernating all winter, the thought of not soaking up the sun is less than desirable. As h ...
Favorite Memorial Day Memories
Memorial Day is often filled with parades, celebrations honoring those who have paid the ultimate price serving the nation, family and friends cooking-out, and kids testing the chill factor of the lake. Weathering the Weather / John Kelly, Boss In ...