If you’ve always wanted to start a flower garden, but you didn’t know how or where to start, we’ve got your back. Here are some tips to help you kickstart your new favorite hobby. PLANNING Okay, maybe “planning” isn’t the right word. It sound ...
How to Start Worm Composting
Composting is a great way to add nutrients to any landscape and garden while diverting waste from landfills. Adding helpers such as worms can improve soil health and increase the decomposition time of household scraps. Incorporating worms into compost is ...
You Know You’re Obsessed with Gardening if…
Every good hobby has the potential to become an obsession. Gardening is no exception. So how can you tell if gardening has gone from “passion” to “compulsion?” Here are some signs... You Know You’re Obsessed with Gardening if... ...You see an ...
Five Health Benefits of Gardening
There are so many things to love about gardening. The dirt under your nails. The fresh breeze as you pull weeds. The warm sun on your face after a long winter. Yes, we all know gardening is good for the soul… but did you know it’s also good for your heal ...
Worms: Not Just for Fishing
Worms in your composting? Yes! Worms in your composting!
Wait! There’s Still Garden Work to Do!
Every growing season seems shorter and shorter, doesn’t it? Okay, maybe not this year, but we know 2020 is an exception to all rules. No matter how long or short the season felt, it’s still winding down. But just because the growing part is done ...
3 Easy Tips on Maintaining Your Garden
It’s no surprise to veteran gardeners that once the plants are in the ground, some of the most important work begins. For those new to the hobby of gardening, here are three of the most important tasks needed to maintain a successful garden. ...
5 Must See Virtual Tours of Gardens in Bloom
Sometimes you just need a little garden inspiration in a big way. Often we just hop in the car and make a trip to a local botanical garden or even make a stop on vacation to a highly acclaimed one we’ve been dying to see. This year, even when we ...
Gardening for Beginners in 8 Steps
We adore veteran gardeners. Their wisdom. Their sage (pun intended) advice. But there is just something special about helping a beginning gardener. Their wide-eyed excitement to create their own personal Eden can be infectious! Before we send a newbie ...
8 Easy Garden Prep Steps for an Epic Growing Season
Seems like this year the desire to dig in the garden and release our green thumbs is stronger than ever. We are fighting the urge to dive right in and get growing so that we can check our prep lists. With a few intentional steps, we can easily set oursel ...